Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On strike

That's maddddd funny how homeboy thinks shit is mad sweet. How you can call me, asking me to do you a favor and lie for you and to you, and then roll up like nothing-has-happened.

*oh really??*
And of course you're thinking you can reel (sp?) me back in by being so ridiculously kind, its disgusting. Cute. Sometimes, too cute ..but disgusting. And your generosity is out of this world when you feel you aren't getting the "attention" you crave. But that's cool becuz i can be a bitch and just take,take,take .. Or i can nip it in the bud (again!) and (try) to send you on your merry way. And as hard as that would be, and as difficult as it sounds.. Aren't you tired?!
Cause i sure as hell am
It might not seem it as first and i agree, i sometimes enjoy the tomandjerry game we got goin but .. Ya!

Steps to make a disasterous mess - aka "this"

1. Gather your two confused individuals
2. After having them cool in different locations together for a lengthy period of time, seperate individuals
3.Pre-heat discussion to about 425degrees
4.Gather a large enough bowl and add 2 cups of yearning. 1tablespoon of lust and 1teaspoon of wishful thinking.
5. Add two confused individuals and stir
6. Let sit for about 2weeks
7. Insert in overheated oven
8. At this point you will have forgotten about your mixture and it will burn
9. TRUST me : it will burn
10. After attempting to cool, one individual will miraculously resurrect
11. Add icing to cool off and wait to bake this mess all over again in 4-6weeks


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