Is this just "Manny being Manny" ?
I'm tired of people making excuses for this man. Like 3 years ago, when he was playing left field for the RedSox and tried to cut off the ball from the center-fiedler when he had NO business cutting it off. It goes Centerfielder-shortstop/secondbasemen-etc. No where in that equation are other outfielders supposed to jump in the way. and if you look at the youtube clip, he literally JUMPS in the way. Like, wtf are you doing? How he didn't show up to practices and team meetings up in Boston because he's "Manny" and his catastrophically large salary means he can do whatver he wants.
Yeeeeaaaaaah, okay.
Steinbrenner would've booted his ass years ago. Yeah he's a big game hitter, and one has one hell of a swing but his character is in shambles. I understand you're not paying for character but team chemistry has a lot to do with it. Hence, why the Sox were dying to get rid of him and why no other team in baseball would take him.
Now this steroid scandal. I'm not gonna lie i'm a bit remorseful in this case just because Arod is going/went through the same things and unfortunately, it's a lot to deal with. Manny claims he didn't know, it was medically prescribed to him, yaddayadda heard it all before. But, honestly the only reason i defended Arod is because he wears my beloved uniform and i'd never turn my back on a Yankee-EVER. but maybe the only reason i'm going so hard on this MannySteroid thing is because he used to be a RedSock not too long ago and im pretty sure he was using then. And you know us Yankee fans, anythinggggggg to harass the Bostonians and we'll jump on it as soon as it rolls by.
Also why Im being a tad sympathetic is because he plays for Torre. My beloved, old, serene, used-to-hold-Jeter's-bat-during-every-game, pigeon-toed-walking-to-the-pitchers-mound, bald-except-for-some-flurries Torre. And he don't need/deserve this kind of hoopla. Not now anyway..he been through all that with the Yankees and im pretty sure he took the L.A. job to get away from all that jazz. and of course Manny follows him..Some bullshit,lol.
And so, to Manny Ramirez--because your suspension ends on my birthday [july3,for those who dont know] i say these three kind words to you:
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