My favorite, kinda-recent group pictures.
Honestly, this ignorant Miss California sets a bad example of how Prop 8 has taken over one of the most liberal states in this country. And Keith Olbermann, who i absolutely LOVEEEE, definitely makes his mark when he says that Miss Carrie Prejean is the biggest hypocrit and over dramatic woman in the world. It seems ridiculous that she's making all of these excuses about God and Satan as being to blame for her implants, nude photos, and missing meetings which she should be stripped of her crown for.
It's true what Olbermann says, it's not as if she just voiced her opinion out of no where --she was asked, by Perez Hilton, an openly gay man who posed this question with some bias but still .. it was the blasphemy behind her answer and the way she lives the rest of her life that is drawing all this hoopla around her.
Her contract to be Miss California clearly states that any nude-photos, semi-nude photos or anything of the like will immediately cause the beauty contestant to be stripped of her crown, and Donald Trump, who loses sleep for NO one and is supposedly a cold-hearted man, decided she would keep her crown. That's some bullshit. This country is going no where but down if people with such close-minded views continue to be glamorized in the media.
"Donald Trump who never compromised a dollar for the sake of a principle" --cold hearted man, indeed
Besides this lunacy that's been going on, and all the hype its recieving when there are more important things to be speaking about..someone needs to teach Miss California about her public speaking skills because they leave a lot to be desired and quite frankly, i can't take it anymore. Did she even proofread her speech? And how will anyone take you seriously when you don't speak with conviction. Standing up there crying like a little schoolgirl. . . Some bullshit, i say.
but, i do love me some Keith Olbermann. He definitely gave the best coverage during the election this past year and his take on American views and ideas are always very rational and realistic. Much respect for this man.