Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why Can't I ?

"I'm feeling nervous
trying to be so perfect
Cause i know you're worth it.

It don't do me any good
It's just a waste of time
What use is it to you,
What's on my mind?
If it ain't coming out,
we aren't going anywhere.

So why can't I just tell you that I care?"
-B. Harg

That last line alone sums it up & says it all.

I'm excited for the NuyoRican this Saturday. Even more now because I seriously, COMPLETELY forgot all about it and i just recently re-looked at the flyer and i'm now really looking forward to seeing certain poets. But a big thumbs-down to my girl Mahogany Browne not being the host this weekend. Womp-womp. Maybe this is because i'm going on a Saturday instead of Friday, whatever. But, blog-buddies, can I say how--and i might be overreacting--there is a slight chance that i might run into someone i DON'T want to run into. But this person is still someone i admire just because they're lyrical skills are ridiculously potent and i'm a huge fan..but that's it: just a fan.

I'm gonna wear a wig.

1 comment:

Don said...

Too funny @ gonna wear a wig.

Anyways, how did it go?