Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Tad Too Much
First thing i thought was what my good friend J.R. always says :
*waves the finger* OH REALLY?!
Ironically, i just wrote a longgg ass paragraph of how i REALLY felt--which i quickly deleted because i might have come across as being too blunt. Names and everything and i quickly remembered what my bestest friend Alvarez ( me the other day, which was to stop being a "biddie" becuz i was beginning to remind him of **** .
never that..
no more bitchassness :]
deep breathes
breathing exercises
but do NOT roll your eyes at me
Going Toe to Toe

I meeeeeeeean, ladies ladies ladies.
Is this REALLY necessary? I mean, i understand front wedgies occur but, do we really need to wear a Major League Baseball cup to the beach? I think NOT. How una-fuckin-tractive is this. but it's an alternative negative becuase not only do you eliminate your "camel-toe" but you INCREASE your bulge. Which, last time I checked, females weren't supposed to have to begin with.
And the reason behind this camel-O-cup, you ask? Well,...let's just say it's to avoid ever looking like THIS:

The Forehead Kiss
Just because i'm cryin' doesn't mean i'm the victim but, this shit is definitely the story of my life.
-Just an average ngga doin average ngga shit
-Like his-side of MY bed. LMAO
-I'd do it all again, just next time for my husband and not that ngga I call my friend
Another Again
We can do it real big.
Bigger then you ever done it.
You be up on everything.
Other hoes ain't never on it.
I want this forever, i swear i can spend whatever on it.
Cause she hold me down everytime i hit her up.
When i get right i promise that we gon live it up.
She make me beg for it till she give it up.
And I say the same thing every single time.
I say you the fucking best.
You ever hear certain songs and it's like it strikes a chord with you. The songs on this blog's current playlist are ones that i can't keep off of my mind. For some reason or another, they won't leave my mind. But, there are two in particular that get to my heart. Pink's "Who Knew" has always made me cry --don't ask me why bcuz i, myself, don't even know-- and this new Drake "Best I Ever Had" ..the melody is so smooth and sweet, and the song is kinda sexy so it draws me to it. But, they reallyyyyyyyy get to my heart. I dont know how to explain it but, its like ..i get a heart pain. Crazy right? =/
On top of the fact that i'm not feeling too emotionally great right now.. this isn't a good look for me. I'm tryna figure out why i feel a certain way..and why certain people just seem to force themselves back into my life. Especially when the last feeling of that person wasn't necesarilly a good one but, HE* knows how to get to me ..and how to lure me back in. Definitely not fair and not something i'm tryna do. This cycle is definitely getting old and im sick and tired of being sick and tired but, i'm at the point where i don't know what else to do. I'm so caught up in a routine.
I need answers.
Your Majesty

I'm a fuckin' BOSS, forreal. One might as well kiss the ground i walk on. Aright that might be a bit OD. but, the point is .. i'm the shit. Okay, lmao, lemme stop. I'm so happy i'm putting people onto this blogging thing. It's a methodical, liberating, soothing outlet for therapy that everyone can use in their life. Whatever you chose to blog about is completely up to you. I find myself writinga about the most random things but, this is MY blog so who's judging?
Two of my lovely (male) friends have recently taken up blogging and i so hope they continue it because it offers insight into their minds without them being placed in that vulnerable state. And so i'm back to why i am, exactly, a motha'fuckin BOSS. .
because i said so
lmao, okay okay i'll stop.
I mean i've always thought of myself as a leader ..sort of the Alexand(ra) the Great of my generation. Or the Michelle Obama of North Bergen..or RedLobster ..whichever you prefer.
Okay,i'll stop forreal .
I'm happy i can share these blogs with you (few) people and if blogging helps you in any way than i can say i've become a better person ..
or a better BOSS.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Birthday Agenda

I'm thinking this is where i'm going to have my 21st birthday. My brother has been here several times and he lovessss it and says it's affordable, fun, and theres an Open Bar which means i WILL be gettin' waided ! and i CANNOT wait.
I was thinking of setting up an event there so maybe we could get a good deal. and i definitely want ALL of my amazing friends there so they can get waided too. Not necesarily "with" me but, ..oh fuck it, it's my birthday i might as well. lol
(I understand you don't know what the term -waided- actually means but that's cool bcuz you're not supposed to. it's a Bosses term. with some extra's sprinkled here and there)
Anyway, I'm still looking into other area's to have my festivities and i'll keep them posted on here (of course).
Who's Down ?!
Fact of the Day
President Barack Obama won a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word for his Audiobook version of Dreams From My Father in February 2006 and for Audacity of Hope in 2008. He also won an Emmy Award for his "Yes We Can" speech in Decemeber 2008.
*i'm gonna try to maintain this FactoftheDay things. Let's see how that goes.
Routine Check
I find myself being drawn to the more animated of poets. The ones with loud voices, hand gestures and sarcastic anecdotes are the ones i most frequently put on this.
Being a woman of color, i can obviously relate more to these kinds of poems. Although i'm not african-american or anything..i might as well be, since that's the first initial nationality people think i am. which is cool and all .. but this poet's feelings seem to be universal with people of color and it's soooo true that we profile the police and the "white man" the same way they profile us. So in the end, both are at fault. and the cycle continues and the continuem grows longer and lengthier but that's just the way of the world.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Woman to Woman
I dont usually fuck with poems involving the usual bullshit. cheating men, men are dogs, etc, etc. but this one is very clever and of course there's a place in my mind where i'm saying, "word!" but .. eh, it's not a common feeling.
It's witty, very clever .. but doesn't take away from the fact that she's getting at a girl whose sleepin with her man.. but not fully acknowledging that her MAN fucked up. maybe im overlooking the point but, that's just me.
Regardless, it's some pretty slick shit.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Penny For Your Thoughts
“Penny For Your Thoughts” - Gemineye
Can I offer you a penny for your thoughts?
As a matter of fact, how about three?
One penny for you, one penny for me,
And one penny for our minds engaged not so sexually.
Getting intimately closer as we approach the
Climatic altitude of nude, mental, sensational… conversation.
Because I’m trying to get to know everything about you
From the neck… UP.
So these are not your typical, sexual, poetical prose.
I’m trying to close the door on that all too firmiliar freaky foreplay game.
With which most people have chose to approach you.
While they are trying to get deeply inbedded
In the fine fibers of your bedsheets,
I’m trying to find and define the fibers of which your mind speaks.
I want to engage you
i want to engage you
By putting a two karat solitaire diamond ON YOUR MIND
Marrying your every thought!
I want to lick every inch of every crevasse
So I can get an oral fix from each oriface
And taste your passionate IMAGINATION.
I’d rather be naked and exposed, holding you
As we’re lying and you’re crying
While confiding and describing the tough times you’ve had in life
And how you don’t know
If you can keep a relationshop long enough to be somebody’s wife.
I wanna feel the heartbeat of all your inner rhythms
As they lead me toward your warm, wet, waterfalls of feminine thoughts.
…And I’ll swim within them.
From backstroaks, to breaststrokes,
I’m penetrating every entrance… to your mind.
Taking my time to find out everything about you.
Did I ever tell you about how you
Fell asleep in my presence?
And your mere essence
Kept me up for hours
As I cowered with this feeling
Of sexually unadulterated mental connection?
And as you lay by my side
I pushed my blinds aside
And took the time in the moonlight of that night
To count 72 eyelashes
On the upper eyelid of your right eye!
Because as you sleep
As you sleep
They remain open slightly.
And while we probably moved too quickly into some sexual stuff
I’ve always cared more about the expilicity illicitness
That came from between you lips.. meaning your voice.
So now I am standing here
Ready to trade in all the sexual acts that we’ve performed
For the chance to reform the very foundation
And basis of our relationship.
And I reiterate my opening statement
And I offer you another penny for your thoughts!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Eat Some Cupcakes
Word. Maintaining your responsibilities is very sexy. Having your priorities in order is definitely sexy. Being responsible fathers, loyal husbands, and multi-tasking doing what you gotta do is very fuckin' sexy.
"I may not be the prettiest motherfucker, but i'm a sexy ass bitch"
That's whassup, Big Mike - forreal.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Would Be Nothing Without Ya
I fucks with Def Poetry Jam SO much ! I'm mad that my mom removed HBO and all those good channels so i can't watch this or Bill Maher anymore. and it sucks but thank the heavens for youtube. I have a few of these videos saved on favorites on my youtube account and occasionally i'll re invest in them and have a little nostalgic moment, since they are relatively old--about a few years-- but i love them.
This video in particular shows the realness that these poets/men have. It's very sexy . i'm diggin' it
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The List
I've been in a very flaky mood lately and so instead of me finishing up a paper, i've decided to construct that ever-so important list. This List has been publicly broadcasted in recent days and I have no shame to admit who's on it. But, i'm a lady. and ladies never spill their business/drama out there. What I will do--though--is give code names to those on this List making it that much easier for one to decipher.
Let's backtrack. The reason for this mental post-it List is because people are just pissing me off. A lot now more than ever. Maybe it's the weather, maybe its PMS, maybe its Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the Easter rush at Red Lobster. Who knows, really? What I do know is that it's becoming quite the lengthy list and let this be a disclaimer to those (few) reading this: If you're on this list, you're gonna be able to spot yourself a mile away. If you're not on this list, and you think our friendship is peachy keen. Think again. No one is exempt.
Seriously, Are you?
this is in NO particular order:
a. Batman
b. Chihuahua
c. Ray from RL
d. Sprague Library
e. Chongis
f. Jew-ish
g. Mr. Incredible
h. WanNabe
i. Uncle Fu
j. Aguilera
Not as long as you thought? Upset me and i will kindly add you to it.
Now, let me explain why i blatantly wrote Ray from RL. Ramon, my half dominican friend, asked if anyone wanted to work his saturday lunch and i immediately responded saying yes ! I would. and he asked to switch for my Saturday dinner. I was not scheduled at all on saturday, hence the reason why i would so desperately want a shift. So i could not switch with him but, i surely could have taken his lunch. Which is what he originally had asked for. But OOOOOOOh no, Ray responded with: Nora swtiched with me. To which I became enraged because i had clearly answered him first taking the shift. and it was only after i had said i would take it did he ask to switch. He double-crossed me. I don't like being double-crossed. So you, Ray, are the hit-man on the list. If I could, I'd have your name written on a blimp somewhere so people know you cannot be trusted.
Yup, I took it there..
Monday, April 20, 2009
pleads for the second, demands the third,
takes the fourth, accepts the fifth
and endures all the rest.
- Helen Rowland
Sunday, April 19, 2009

This Just Breaks My Heart
follow him on Twitter
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Bush Six
This article says it all, really. The indictment of six Bush Administration officials for the torture at Guantanamo Bay. This is essential, yall! If this goes through than it is a perfect example of what justice through the court systems really is. And myself, as trying to become a part of the legal world can definitely appreciate this! Obama needs to let these investigations happen. Because from what i've read, he's blocking them from occuring . The Spanish government is also trying to get them to drop the charges against the Bush Six. Which i still can't understand why. Maybe because there are MORE THAN SIX people responsible for this lunacy. Bush clearly went against the Geneva Conventions, back in 2006 .. and now that he's out. Something mustttt be done!
Even though this website is more blog-esque. It still holds the facts very true.
Can't wait..
Friday, April 10, 2009
Breathe You In
This here is Mia Curruthers and she's on that Taking the Stage show on MTV. i don't normally watch this show for whatever reason or another but it was on last night as i was pretending to do homework [mhm, pretending] ..and there was a talent show or what not for the students at this performaing arts highschool in...i wanna say Ohio.
And Mia performs this song, on her guitar. and I was very impressed actually. It's not "new sound" or anything. But it's very peaceful, calm, and i dig it.
And for such a young girl --17, i believe. I was very impressed. They had announced the winner over the radio and she heard her song play and her expression was priceless. A very good moment for her, i must say.
And although this highschool drama filled show is exactly that - drama filled. This chick caught my eye and I hope to hear her music down the road ..
This is a youtube clip from idk where. I couldn't find the sample on Limewire but im pretty sure it's on iTunes. which i don't have nor purchase..
This song is very liberating
Enjoy :]
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009
Yeah, Boyyy

Not That Serious

I would like to take this time out to state and clarify that there shall be NO children or individuals acting as children aroud my presence at any time. Unless, of course, you are a child. Child being the ages of 11 and under. After that: you're grown! Act it, seriously instead of ruining everyone's good time.
um.. and so the story begins of my weekend. A very interesting and bold weekend, i might add. Parties and liquor --and fights. and more liquor ..and some more fights. But, how old are we tho? That at this mature age some people STILL will look for a fight. For absolutely NO reason .. i just dont understand and am gonna need someone to clarify THAT for ME.
i wish i had pictures to post for [all 3 of] ya but, i left my camera inside my car and .. that's the way that part of the story goes. Now.. onto some other issues.
I hope one day people can find it in their right minds to stop talking shit.
that. is. all.