Wednesday, December 9, 2009

C. Bradshaw

I've never paid much mind to the whole Sex in the City phenomena, but i just caught two episdoes on tbs (very funny) and what i do like about this show is Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker)'s character in which she narrarates throughout the episode and her little anecdotes are very witty and clever and relavant to a girl's life. She does this by typing in her laptop--presumably her column in some sort of magazine, newspaper, whatever it is--and it reminds me of myself typing away on this here blog day in and day out and this has helped me consider taking my blog in a different direction.

I've noticed I've been blogging moreso about my personal life and my feelings and emotions and blah, blah, BLAH. And i don't think anyone wants to read about that stuff anymore and so i'm trying to steer this blog back in the direction it was in about a year ago. More about random shinanigans, and interesting facts around the world. This might even take a while for me to begin to do because those posts demand research ..and i dont like doing that unless its for school. I also can't make this become some sort of assignment because i genuinely enjoy blogging and i don't want it to become something i hate. it's a hobby and i love it =]

That's all for now.

Shout out to my best of the besties for his USMarshall business :] Congrats! <3
I honestly dont even know what that job entails but it must be something good since he's all excited about it. and like i said, Good things happen to Good people =]

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