Sunday, February 21, 2010

So Lost

Hey blog buddies.
I've missed you, so im feeling the need to keep you updated on the recent events of my life which actually haven't been the slightest bit interesting. So, here goes:

I went to Atlantic City for one of my bestfriend's birthdays. Pictures will be posted shortly. It And by fun, i mean it was an experience with a rather rambunctious [SO spelled that wrong] group of young adults who -- besides myself-- love to party.

um ..
and that ends my sad excuse for why i haven't been blogging. I've done NOTHING else, and yet ive been so lost from this place. Maybe its because once i get on here it seems the floodgates open and i start to rant about my shitty job, or never-ending college career, or some stupid boy, or some stupid, stupid friends and ughhh. i get carried away.

but, um ..oh yeah.
i'm gonna plan a spring break trip.

preferably by myself.
Let's see how that goes. I'd honestly love to go somewhere and lounge by myself.

ah, a girl can dream huh ;]

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