Thursday, October 29, 2009

This is It

Mama Sey Mama Sah Mama Coo Sah

"20 days straight of rain in the Northeast
And Thursday the sun broke
Clear and bright and hot and perfect
But no one seemed to notice
Electronic whispers from the West
Alerted us of an angel getting her wings
We were ready for that...

Then came the noise
Loud urgent frightening
Radio waves interruped the car ride home
Rumors of cardiac arrest
His heart stopped
and my heart stopped
and I waited assuming
that this was just another one of the things
that they say about him
that I am not going to believe
until they prove it

And Katie Couric confirmed it
And I didn't believe that either
and my girlfriend called
and I didn't believe her either
and my sister called and wanted to know if I was devastated
and I had to ask God for forgiveness
I had idolized him
I was surprised when
I found out
he wouldn't live forever

And the flashbacks started
and how was I ever going to be Michael Jackson
if my mother wouldn't let me get a curl?
but she did get me the doll
and the Beat it shirt
and the glittery socks
and when he stepped on stage
in 1988
I was all up in there
And I cried
and again that morning

He touched lives
Spending his time
on earth as a smile maker
setting trends with his unusual behavior
that perpetual child-like wierdness
and we accepted it
and anyone who says they didn't attempt the Thriller dance
is a liar"


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