Thursday, October 29, 2009

From Here to Spain

"Ode to the good ones "

The promise keepers
Fearless leaders
Bedtime story readers
Corporate warriors
Silent soldiers
Commanders of inner peace
Slayers of Beasts!

Scripture quoting
Election voting
Bible toting
Lawn mowing

Three cheers for the curled bicep
Where the new baby slept
And also served as tree branch from which her older sister could swing

Much respect to
The gentle hand of discipline
That would applaud at dance recitals
And when the children's choir would sing

21 gun salute
To the ones that add value to a community
Steering clear of stereotypical buffoonery
Giving their daughters immunity
From all the negative statistics
Because they are employed, present and consistent

Big-up to the children of men
Who had to read about abuse and neglect to know what it meant

Let's throw a parade for the payers of student loans
For children who are grown
And have not yet earned a degree
Who say they are happy no matter what their kids do
And just want to see them happy

Let's give a hand clap to the men who can stand and say
Barack ain't the only brotha that loves his family

Kudos to the men who set a standard with the bar so high
It's no wonder his daughters ain't married.

For the only man who's love I have never doubted

My Daddy."

--Lynnette Johnson

Brilliance =]

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