Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hunting Season

As i sit here waiting for my math class to begin, im thinking about this shitty ass weather and how fricken cold it is and then i remember that it's also boo loving season. People are on the motherfuckin battlefield looking for ppl to snuggle with during those cold nights. And once summer roles around again..or even spring, they start dropping 'em like flies.

But back to this hunting. It reminds me of that old bugs bunny/ daffy duck skit "rabbit season/duck season-rabbit season/duck season!" Ah, one of the classics. but anyways..i just want to vent really quickly and say that i dnt want to recruit just ONE cuddler. Is that bad? Im sorry that i have too much pep in my step for one person. But thats where the double standard comes in..and quite frankly, i dont give a shit.

So what i'm an equal opportunity employer. So-thefuck-what?? Dudes do it all the time. Flip 'em like cups. Some more than others ...some much more than others...some, extremely more than others to the point where it might even become unhealthy *cough*cough*

But thats not what im trying to pursue. I just like keeping my options open. I mean, for the love of God Halloween's coming and thats just the most wonderful time of the year!

But im pretty sure this madness will just last until halloween. And after that i can almost guarantee that i'm guna wanna start the hunting game myself.

A girl's gotta settle down eventually.

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