Philly was fun ! Minus the waking up early after a rough previous night, listening to Mateo & Martin pretend to make youtube videos (this was actually really funny tho), getting lost for an hour and change, the day was a surprising success!
So many things i loved about philly. The fricken chinese food from a cart, similar to a hotdog cart in the city. That shit was fuckin banana's !!! The lady was maddd quick and the food was good and cheap. The weather definitely cooperated with us and the 4hrs we had to wait didnt even feel that long ..we went to the park, were gunna watch a movie but Martin is such a party pooper! lol just kidding, he was actually a good source of entertainment with his jokes yesterday, i must say. "blue kids playing blue games" lmao priceless, yo.
Then we found a bar and sat outside on idk what street and no one got ID'd [woohoo!] and we definitely got tipsy. Rosa and I probably ordered about half the drink menu but we got tipsy and it made the day that much better + the cheesesteak was bangin, even tho i hardly ate it all cuz i was mad full.
Then we saw Julia !!! and her pops definitely hooked it up with stuff from his bodega..plus i plain and simply missed julia! lol And of course my life sucks so i had to drive back because im an incredibly amazing friend and didn't mind =] lol nah, but i had my ipod and good conversation so all in all it was a fun day and im definitely happy i went and enjoyed myself.
When's the next roadtrip ?! =]
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