Monday, July 20, 2009


My dear blog, i'm ever so sorry for rejecting you these past few weeks but there's been so much going on. & so many birthdays. which means so many parties..which also means so much booze. which thus leads to me not remembering much and having nothing to blog bout. So technically, my blogging --or lack there of-- isn't really my fault. So i take back my apology because i havent really done anything wrong. Plus, say sorry is a sign of weakness and i am NOT weak.

I may have taken that a little too far.

Anyway ...Puerto Rico was a blasttt! Here's proof :

How amazing does that look? Pretty fuckin' amazing, huh ?!


i miss it and am already planning the next vacay. I need another getaway from the real world. I figure i'll travel the world during my summers and work my ass off during the semester months.

Okay...sooo..really quickly i'm just gonna do a quick run down of all the celebrations. First was Ramoo's bday which was suprisingly madd fun..and i say surpringly only because it started off a bit bumpy at the beginning..had a change of venue, there was a fight, but all in all i had a fuckin blast..

Then it was your majesty herself's birthday =] ME ! and im so happy i chose to go to Porky's because that place was poppin'..everyone got wasteddd and had a blast. even tho there are still no pictures to prove it [Julio's on my shitlist for this reason] ..i had shots thru-out the day, wine with my daddy<3, tequila with my brother. ah, life is good =]


then last friday was my Chongis Betsy's little shindig at Talay's and that was poppin toooo! i was drunk. at least i say that now bcuz i may or may not have made bad i dont remember shit so technically, i was drunk lol ..she had fun and was wasted lmao. she had her greygoose. some highschool friends came thru..all a blast

Oh shit, pause . Cocobongo's the other night for my Putics' Karina's bday was poppin' toooo! That was a night with the highschool homies whom ive missed.Shout to xenia for making an appearance. i was drunk then too.. Copped a bottle of Georgie with the homie blackrob. Wait that wasn't that day. Nevermind..oh, yeah..i swigged on my man Cuervo, arguadiente, patron, ewww/YUMMMM =]

and this saturday is my SBF's [andrea] 21st celebration so we'll see how that turns out. Hopefully amazing like this entire month has been. GO JULY! woot woot =]

aw, i've missed you blog but have no fear, i'm back =]

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