I have NO idea what Hot Toddy is .. but, Common's voice is so fuckin' sexy i don't even know how to act. I loveee the "I can hold my liquor" and the "I love Ellen too, Ellen good people"
i'm good people too, shit.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hot Toddy (???)
No Scrubs
No does it better than Mr. Sean Hayes aka Jack McFarland aka Just Jack aka Jack 2000 aka Jack 2001 aka Jack 2002.
His cabaret' act was priceless.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
there are NO words.
I think he fuckin' ripped it .. dude is a beast.
Courtesy of YouTube, there's plenty of him, Nick Pitera.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Xmas List

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Less than Two Weeks
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I loved George Carlin (R.I.P) and of course he's a comedian and he's making light of a very personal and emotional situation that women go through but .. in the context of it, i agree with the key points he's making. it's sort of hypocritical of conservatives to be so narrow-minded on one topic and yet be on the opposite spectrum of something SOOO similar.
The "culture of life," I might say, is a phrase invented by the last Pope. And what it meant was, you're opposed to death, in the death penalty, in war, in euthanasia and abortion. The Republicans decide, "Oh, we're a cafeteria. We'll take the abortion and euthanasia but we will launch wars" and we will - I mean, George Bush has signed more death warrants than any other human being in this country. --Andrew Sullivan
i mean, i'm just saying !
Carlin's the shit. :]
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mr. & Mrs. President-Claus

don't act like you're not interested in hanging one of these badboys somewhere in ya' crib. maybe theres one of Malia and Sasha; those girls are too pretty.

Sunday, November 16, 2008
peep the dude who had to be the female for the first couple seconds, aint that a bitch?! [no pun intended]
1,500 plus CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines at practice!
how did they have this shit SO organized?! who was in charge?! "WHO WORKS HERE?!" and all in all at a detention center, OD.
Michael should be .... proud? No se.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Its craziness. Everything that you would least expect to occur in a real life situation OCCURS! .. It must be a psych ward of writers over there.
I love it
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Cornell West on Barack Obama
i feel him on what he's saying though ! This video is from February 2007 but, the same situations were occuring throughout the campaign. Of oourse the majority of the African American community supported/supports Barack Obama but, there were several issues of "loyalty" that were being questioned. Such as, situations with Jena 6 and if God Forbid something would occur would he have the voice to speak on behalf of the AAcommunity or speak to the nation as a whole.
Cornel West is a very articulate, inspiring, motivational, brilliant speaker and i think he addresses key points here in this video. He supported "Brother Barack" as he likes to call him, but had some very insightful ideas and questions about our now President-Elect.
West talks about TRUTH. How Obama has to calm and quiet the fears of the white man to, unfortunately, prove himself while still keeping his roots of the African American community at arms length. This could not be said about any other president/president-elect/candidate so, this is the first time this country is seeing a highly powerful political figure have to stretch himself thin to make ALL feel at ease.
There are some YouTube clips where African Americans, at Obama rallies, are questioning what he will do for the African American community and if he will be their voice. Obama wants to be the voice for ALL people not just one particular race.
and on THAT note, ..enjoy.
Started Makin' Trouble in My Neighborhood
YO. i don't even know what's going on here. but it's priceless. tacky and hilarious. and i love every bit of it.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Drew and Claire
But this movie really stuck with me bcuz it involved doing something I always wanted to do..
But the movie is called Elizabethtown with Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst.
Its a 'chickflick' but its sooo sweet and most of his stops are on the eastcoast so they are perfectly acessible to us. :)
Do watch.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tried to Flex
And I don't love him. I do love the person he used to be . Actually no, I loved the person he was when he was just with me. But I dnt want to deal with someone with multiple personalities. On top of that, I'm trying to focus on other things and other persons but, I gravitate towards the familiar and thus, I feel I'm on my way there again.
Nah, chill .. I just thought about the reason for me cutting ties in the first place.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hopefully I'll be better by my birthday (*mental note: thursday july 3*)
But in the meantime, antibiotics and heat pads it is.
Happy birthday ramoo
(Happy belated bday to dom 06/24)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
i`m devastated .
my condolences to those who were not as fortunate as i and who didn't get to enjoy this 13 - episode - show .
Saturday, May 17, 2008
check out my girl Minnie Riperton .
EVERYONEEEEE knows this song, whether you know the artist or know the little "lalalalala" melody, ya know it! =]
*For Your Viewing Pleasure*
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tuesday`s @ 10
it`s intense, captivating, fierce and VERY entertaining. it stars Angie Harmon. if you're not sure who that is, Google her. you're probably gonna have an "oOoh ..HER!" moment . mhm
i so happened to stumble upon this show while previously watching dancing with the stars (which i absolutely loveeee) and its incredible. for those of you who like Law&Order : SVU, this is betterrrrrr !
its amazing how many wonderful shows I've found myself watching on accident. Grey's Anatomy was when i left Desperate Housewives on, which i started watching because of Extrame Makeover Home Edition. (This was all when Grey's was on Sundays)
I started watching King of Queens because of Everybody Loves Raymond. Which i began watching when Friends was on at 11 on the then WB11 .
And i began watching HotShots on abc which played after Grey's but i guess they canceled it because that shits never on anymore and it was a REALLY good show :[
oOh ! and many moons ago Abreu & i used to religiously watch Life As We Know It - a show about some adorable teens who were going through some crap and some kid was having an affair with his teacher, idk it was a good show and it went on hiatus and then *poof* gone . :[ another tragedy .
so to sum up : Women's Murder Club on Tuesdays @ 10PM on abc.
ah, television . How you've saved me so .
well, not ALL television. just abc :]
*still wants the world to know that FRIENDS will be #1 for always*
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sometimes I Trip On How Happy We Could Be
i love these two . at first, I was angered at the fact that they were married or whatever (don't ask me why, to this day - I dont even know). I'm so happy they're together .. they seem very familiar to me.
more power to them for keepin' their relationship on the low to this day. very VERY familiar.
1:10 ; 1:23 ; 1:30 are my fav pics =]
Monday, May 5, 2008
Orale` !
finals week . woopty - fuckn - doo .
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Bee Ay Bee Wy
it`s my cousins baby shower today . and my favorite cousin at THAT ! even though, since our moms` had us the same year just months apart - and we had AGREED (in angry unhealthy voice) to do the same in our futures. . the unexpected (there's a better term but oh well) always occurs and ya just gonna` have to let it rock .
she`s THAT bitch regardless . and everyone who is anyone -that knows me atleast- knows how high i hold her and that she promised she gonna wait for me for the next round. cause i`m DEF not catchin up to her . HaHa !
Congrats to the Parents to be ! =)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Exactly two months
finals this week - blah, blah . mother`s day next Sunday [ $$$$ ] . Mami's birthday the 17th. anwar`s birthday the following 18th. Roland's birthday the 22nd and ..
let. us. NOT. forget ..
franso`s birthday the 20thh ! Yeaaaaaahhhhhh boyyyyyyy ( in flava flav voice )
big things Poppin this month .
AND i already kno what i`m gonna be for Halloween (thnx again, fran) .
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
H & M
People are on this girl's ass because she allowed world-famous photographer Annie Leibowitz [sp?] to shoot very classy photos of her WITH her parents consent. This pictures are gorgeousssss! So the fuck what she has to have a certain image for Disney, and so what she's only 15. It's not like she's 8. and she's not even remotely naked. It's not Playboy, it's Vanity Fair and if Disney could handle the Vannessa Hudgens [highschool musical] Fiasco then they'll be fine with these...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The Insane Waiter pointed this out. This is the ignorant ghetto assholes I wait on all the time. Except in my case, where our restaurant is, we get $2-$4 on that $160 check (happened to me yesterday, to a co-worker today, both checks beyond $160). This is a daily occurrence in our restaurant - the crap tip/stiff after great service by a ghetto table.
I wish I could say I've never seen someone so ignorant, but I wait on this type of person with far to frequent a regularity. Share this around the internet please.Simply put, if you can't afford the tip, you can't afford the food. So in a Red Lobster it looks like this - ghetto 4 top walks in. 4 raspberry lemonades, 2 shots of Patron ("no make those doubles"), a strawberry daiquiri and a sunset passion colada, lobster rolls and lobster crab stuffed mushrooms. Follow that with 2 Ultimate Feasts, no fried shrimp sub extra scampi, with extra sides of snow crab legs, plus an Admiral's Feast ("make sure that it is fried hard, tell them I want my shit well done...") and a Sirloin and Lobster ("I want the steak well done. Well well done."). 4 salads with 7 times the amount of dressing any other ethnic group would use. Always French and Ranch or French and Blue Cheese, or a bucket of Caeser dressing with a couple of pieces of Romaine lettuce. And 4 extra piles of napkins. And 4 baskets of bread (and of course the 5th basket of bread just before they go home so they'll have some to take with them). Enough steak sauce and Tabasco to drown a cow. 2 pieces of banana's foster cheesecake to go, and 2 Coronas for desert. $160+ in a blink.This "table" comes into my store every night. EVERY. NIGHT. Numerous times.Doesn't matter who serves them, it never turns out good. Not even for servers of the same ethnicity.
On the above table, it would be easy to cut $25 from the bill so you can leave an appropriate tip. Does it ever happen? Nope. It's like there are schools and families in my city that are intentionally teaching people how to be ignorant and rude.Do other ethnic groups do this you might ask? Rarely. Very rarely.And then don't get me started about the mess they'll leave you at the table, or worse what happens when they bring their children with them. And you'll really set me off if I start talking about them parking in the handicap spots, although they all are in their 20's-30's and quite capable of walking.
And I have at least 200 posts in me about scams and BS complaints they'll use to try to get something comped, or to try and get gift cards sent to them.And yet Red Lobster bends us over (BOHICA!) daily because the customer is never wrong. Ever. And if you are wrong, just call Orlando, and they'll send you gift cards anyhow. And we'll have to deal with you yet again.And yet they wonder why our turnover rate is so high."
i didnt like the use of the word ghetto but, ...this mother fucka is SO RIGHT!! ramoo let 'em know !!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Time to Realize
and the same voice tell me over & over
dead him already!
but, i`m either in love with him .. or i`m in love with the IDEA of him.
" ..if you could meet me halfway, we'd be perfect.."
.. whatever .
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Call Me
".. so i can make it JUiiCY for ya!"
shut up, i know the video's a hott mess but, ...he even wear his hair down his back like mine!
and .. he make this song feel right when it's wrong, like lyin' .
and if you really think about it... all them other songs that you rock with ...well, .. they aint shit.
i mean, i'm just saying !!!
don't judge me. =]
boys & girls .
children of all ages .
miscellaneous age groups .
the very rare people who read this .
i got my first tattoo !
& it's lovely =)
its an egyptian symbol .
means power . instinct . independance .
I'll post a picture soon .
p.s. my second might come next month . me & my momma want to get matchings ones *
Saturday, April 26, 2008
He had me at "Hello" .

" ... if you feelin' like a pimp, ni**a ... " ;]
Thursday, April 24, 2008
personally, i think the "rush" is all mental . or atleast 75% sugar .
you want some quick energy in your day ? take a fucking nap . or splash some cold water on your face . do whatever works for ya .
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
public fighting & going to someone's place of work to look for beef is pathetic .
when the cops get involved : its heinous .
that's all i`m going to say before i go off on a rampage .
Monday, April 21, 2008
Man Punches Police Horse
A Tampa Police Department report says Carl Coward, 24, balled his fist and punched the horse in the right rear hip area as the officer and horse were clearing an area in Ybor City at 3:15 a.m. Sunday.
A jail official says Coward was charged with offenses against police animals and has been released from jail on $500 bond. It was not immediately known if he had an attorney.
The report doesn't say whether the horse was seriously injured.
very random ; very unnecessary and yet still .. heinous .