People are on this girl's ass because she allowed world-famous photographer Annie Leibowitz [sp?] to shoot very classy photos of her WITH her parents consent. This pictures are gorgeousssss! So the fuck what she has to have a certain image for Disney, and so what she's only 15. It's not like she's 8. and she's not even remotely naked. It's not Playboy, it's Vanity Fair and if Disney could handle the Vannessa Hudgens [highschool musical] Fiasco then they'll be fine with these...

I think she looks phenomenal . If her parents allowed it, and she wanted to, and the pictures were done with taste and class [which i think they were] then the media, Disney, close-minded adults, overreactors and other incompetant members of society need to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
..end scene.
you honestly sittin' there thinkin' she looks good?
and that it's OK for sophomores in HS to do this?
shes not spread eagle on the cover of Maxim , not a big deal
i can't wrap my mind around you thinking this is ok...
love you nonetheless
ps- since when did "spread eagle" have to be the only pose considered too provocative for children?
i think its an overreaction by the media. the pictures are NOT at all risque.
that pictures not risque shailyn tirado?
who are you right now?
even if she had a turtleneck on, that picture is absolutely hideous!
and i do not want to pick up vanity fair aka grandma's magazine and see miley half naked, let alone fully clothed.
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