I've honestly wanted to learn to play this instrument since i was little and i never voiced it until a few years ago and i keep post-poning it but i honestly want this to be a goal of mine for the next coming months. Im gonna invest in a saxophone and if i have to teach myself, i will. This shit plays sexyyyy as hell and i NEED to learn and so i googled it and it's pretty pricey but i'm a boss and money ain't a thing (lol).
And of course my friend WOULD have a sax and NOT play it ..almost ever because he's a loser and prefers the guitar and is ignoring the essence that is the saxophone but ..WHATEVER, lol. (Kidding on the loser part, lol) but, enough about that .. i'm gonna go put on some Kenny G and Michael Bolton and pretend it's me playing the saxophone.
Nah, just kidding. i'm not that much of a creeper..
Atleast not today, lol =]
**Shout to Dominick on his 21st birthday today, love you bestfriend!**
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